Sometimes a coupon just isn't worth it. If you been following my blog, you may remember
this crosstitch piece adapted from Charley Harper's work.

Sadly, this picture is all that remains after I took it, along with two other pieces, to A.C. Moore for framing. Of the three pieces I took in only one was returned in acceptable condition. The second piece was damaged (a thread was pulled out) and then "repaired" without my permission (the offending thread was cut from the front of the piece!!!) after I was advised to leave it at the store so a manager could review the damage. The third piece was lost entirely.
Despite repeated promises, I was never once called by the store regarding my order. I had to initiate all phone calls, even after leaving home, cell and work contact numbers. On a positive note I will say the store manager did immediately refund my entire framing order and offer free framing on any item of my choice --clearly, not an acceptable option. I choose instead to accept $250, the maximum allowable amount, for my missing artwork.
What I found most disturbing about the entire experience was that when I went to pick up my order the clerks at the framing desk were sympathetic and said my experience was not uncommon and that they have had a number of similar problems with the company they send artwork to for framing. Gee, if you keep losing/damaging your customers' artwork, perhaps it's time to find another vendor.
Anyway, just a heads up in case you are planning on having anything framed. If it's worth more than $250 to you, you probably don't want to take it to A.C. Moore.