1. Portland Head Light,2. Del's" Pizza, 3. Eternity, 4. Orange is In..., 5. Heath Ledger .. One of my fav. actors.. Died at 28, 6. iced tea, 7. New Zealand Tree Fern Fronds, 8. ice cream puff, 9. happy happy..., 10. Josh Lounge, 11. Anaconda bridge, 12. max quilt
This was created by playing a little game that has been making rounds on a number of blogs. The idea is to type your answers to a list of questions into the Flickr search and choose your favorite picture from the first page of results (it's okay to sort by most recent, most interesting, etc.). Then put them together and make your mosaic. Here are the questions (and my answers):
1. Your first name (Elizabeth)
2. You favorite food (Pizza)
3. Your high school (Catherine McAuley)
4. Your favorite color (Orange)
5. Your celebrity crush (Heath Ledger)
6. Your favorite beverage (Ice Tea)
7. Your dream vacation (New Zealand)
8. Your favorite dessert (Ice Cream)
9. What do you want to be when you grow up (Happy)
10. What do you love most (Josh)
11. One word to describe yourself (Waard - Krista this one is for you)
12. Your Flickr name (lzyber)
Your turn Junie Blogger!
The HTML in your first paragraph is a little messed up.
Thanks "anonymous bank of america employee". I believe it's fixed now :)
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